What is This Podcast All About?

Join us on a transformative journey with “Is This All There Is?”—a podcast for those who have braved life’s storms and emerged with stories to tell. Stories of women who have navigated through the thickets of disillusionment and disappointment. This series, dives deep into the heart of female resilience, dreams deferred, and the silent whispers of a yearning for more that refuse to fade into the distance.

In this podcast, we explore the poignant question: Is This All There Is? Then what’s next? This isn’t just a podcast; it’s a sanctuary where we unravel the tangled threads of past struggles, embrace growth and celebrate victories, we then are equipped to boldly step into the unknown possibilities for for all of our collective futures. “Is This All There Is?” is created for women who find themselves standing at life’s crossroads, gazing into the void and wondering if it is everything that life has in store for their future.

We address the echoes of ‘wishing and hoping’ that many women harbor, not just as distant dreams but as potential paths to rediscovery and fulfillment. Our conversations delve into the raw, unspoken truths—the chasms between the moments of joy and the emptiness that we all face at one time or another. The facade we wear for the world, coupled with a deep-seated yearning for more, accentuates the bridge from where our spirits and hearts are to where we really want to be – the feeling of success, fulfillment and happiness.

This podcast is a tribute to every woman who has ever felt lost, sacrificed her desires for others, and now stands ready to reclaim her sense of divine purpose, authenticity, and, ultimately, herself. Through heartfelt stories, expert insights, and compassionate guidance, we navigate from wishing and hoping to divine purpose-driven success. Join us as we embark on a quest to fill the inner voids, discover our true purpose, and finally answer the question: Is This All There Is? No, there’s so much more.

Meet Your Host

Denise Hansard

Denise Hansard, a vibrant life coach and host of the podcast “Is This All There Is?”, finds immense joy from various pursuits, with reading occupying the top spot. For her, reading serves as a means to explore facets of herself that extend beyond the realms typically found in self-help books, spanning across diverse genres such as romance and psychological thrillers.

Denise’s love for nature and animals shines through her pastime activities, especially her serene walks and bonding sessions with horses. In her spare time, she is fulfilling her aspiration of becoming a novelist, currently engrossed in crafting a women’s fiction trilogy. Through her podcast and personal endeavors, Denise embodies the adventurous spirit she promotes to her listeners and clients.


One lucky listener every week that subscribes AND posts a review on iTunes will win an entry into the $15,000 Value Grand Prize Drawing of a Private VIP Day for 2 to the Mountains of Asheville, North Carolina with Denise Hansard herself.

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Weekly winners will be announced on upcoming episodes prior to the $15,000 value Grand Prize Drawing on June 30th, 2024.

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